Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What maps inspired you as a kid?

The Awl has a great post Maps We Wandered Into as Kids that explores fantasy maps that inspired readers growing up. I had many, but one that totally blew my brain was the one from Time Bandits.

Part cosmic blueprint, part wormhole transit schedule--it's got to be one of the coolest movie props of all time. If only it were real. Oh wait, it IS real! Or rather you can get your own reproduction.

What about you? Have any favorite cartographs from books, comics, movies, or just plain geography (Google?) that have inspired you?

Via Boing Boing, which has links to another great map post you should check out.

Also: ever try googling directions to Mordor? ;)

Monday, February 6, 2012


Extended-Assembled-Hail-Mary-Superbowl goodness. In case you missed it. I get more excited for the Avengers every time I see new footage. BTW, who do you think the bad guys are? Cast your vote in the poll at left.

I'll make a nice pie chart of the results when it's done.

Enjoy the trailer!

Here's the new trailer for Amazing Spider-man which looks equally impressive!